Books for RPSC at the lowest available price in market

RPSC परीक्षाओं के लिए उपयोगी पुस्तकें

These books will surely help you to achieve your goals.

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Lucent's GK

Best book of Indian Current GK for beginners

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Hindi Grammer (RBSE)

Must read book for upcoming RPSC exams to prepare Hindi Grammer

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Hindi Grammer(Raghav P)

Supplementary book to get maximum knowledge of Hindi Grammar

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Rajasthan Digdarshan (GK)

Compilation of basic important facts for your upcoming Exams.

Books on Google Play Store

Try these E-books to get batter understanding of Current Affairs Specially related to Rajasthan

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Current Affairs Yearly Rajasthan-2020-Ebook

This book contains more than 300 multiple choice questions related to the year 2019 of Rajasthan.


Guldasta- Nov -Dec 2019 (Hindi) E book

नवम्बर एवं दिसम्बर 2019 के राजस्थान एवं देश दुनिया के सभी प्रश्नो का समावेश (बहुविकल्पात्मक प्रश्नो एवं व्याख्या सहित)